Gare de Mons – Belgium

Gare de Mons – Belgium

The history of the old train station in Mons, located in the western part of Belgium, dates to the 19th century. The original station building was destroyed by bombing during World War II.

After the end of the war, however, it was rebuilt and functioned until 2013, when it was demolished to allow the construction of a new station, the design of which was entrusted to the outstanding Spanish-Swiss architect and engineer Santiago Calatrava.

Calatrava was commissioned to design the new multi-modal station and its surrounding infrastructure after winning a design competition in 2006. The new station’s gallery bridging over the tracks and platforms will link two currently disconnected and distinct areas of the city: the less dense residential area in the north with the historic city in the south.

Upon completion, Mons Station will serve as a symbol of synergy between culture and cutting- edge technologies for the city.

Press Glass supplied a total of approx. 2,000m2 of bent and flat glass with low-e coatings for this project. All orders entrusted to us were made with the use of Euroglas glasses.

Curved glass will be installed in the main part of the building, in a gallery consisting of individual bays with numerous shops, cafes, ticket offices and other service facilities.

All modernization works were carried out with partial operation of the station, which was a major difficulty during installation and a considerable logistical challenge.

Currently, the inauguration of the new station is planned for the second half of 2023.



SNCB – Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Belges

Cimolai S.p.A.

